Natural & Organic Ingredients
Lash Extension Safe!
Health Canada Approved ✓
Apply every night directly to the upper eyelid skin at the eyelashes base or eyebrows using the provided applicator. Blot any excess solution beyond the eyelid margin.
Additional applications of the Miskoka Beauty Eyelash and Eyebrow Enhancing Serum will not increase the effectiveness of the product.
Do Not Apply in your eye or the lower lid.
Only use the applicators to apply the product. If you miss a dose, apply the solution the next evening.
Significant improvement should be seen within 5-8- weeks of daily use.
Don’t allow the tip of the bottle or applicator to contact surrounding objects, fingers, or any other unintended surfaces to avoid contamination and infections.
Contact lenses should be removed before the application of the Miskoka Beauty Eyelash and Eyebrow Enhancing Serum and may be reinserted 15 minutes following administration.